Sunday, July 31, 2011

Crusin' for a brusin'

After becoming a member on one of my favorite mommy boards(not the only one I go on), I noticed a lot of moms putting "babylegs" on their little ones. Not only are they CUTE, but they help protect those precious knees while their moving around.

Well, I couldn't just buy a pair for $15, my husband would have killed me. So I went on over to target and browsed their sock department. They have awesome patterns in womens knee high socks so I decided to pick some up. I got home and made some cuts and sewed some seams and PRESTO, my own babylegs for $2.00! At first Scott thought I was weird, but then he decided he liked them.

Now, I love making them for friends and family and hopefully for many more budget conscious moms out there.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This is the first of many post and although I say "Welcome" I'm pretty sure this is just to myself:) As I go through my many projects I promise to keep you updated through posts and pictures. It may not always turn out they was I want it to, but it's a lot of fun trying. Not only will I share my crafting obsession with you, I will also share our life. Being a working mother and wife is HARD and just like my crafting skills, I may not always get it right, but I'm going to try. Life is what you make it and I intent to create great things around me. Let's enjoy the ride!